9Friends 19Fans
male Portland, OR, United States
Web geek in Portland OR, CEO of Ideademic [ideademic.com]
16 years ago
I can't afford to be this tired.
16 years ago
Will a UPS stop a circuit breaker from tripping? Or does it only "work" in the other direction?
16 years ago 1
Printer warm-up cycle causes a power surge, pops a breaker. Will a UPS fix?
jaacob is
16 years ago
hoping that 4.5 hours of sleep is enough today.
16 years ago
Knocking out some of the day's random tasks while prepping for a meeting with our insurance agent. (woo.)
16 years ago 1
Apparently Mark Shuttleworth looks like Jason Statham, according to redhooded, agualadie & jnyp32.
16 years ago
One way to catch a second wind: Daft Punk really loud + caffeine pills. Maybe not the best way, but it's what I've got right now.
16 years ago
Can't remember if I registered redhooded and I for Legion of Talk event tonight. Better to re-register or cross fingers?
16 years ago
Please point me in the direction of whomever came up with "press or say #" on automated phone systems, I'd like to have a "chat".
16 years ago
3G in Portland is pissing me off. Calls not coming through is unacceptable. In other news, doing admin junk after a short vacation sucks.