Got everybody boarded in a rush, then they found "slight damage" on the plane. Waiting to find out if we're stuck.
Oh airline workers, your friendly demeanor brightens up my day.
Check the news later about Race 11 at Lone Star Park, incredibly odd and sad.
Super sad, final race a horse broke its leg, ran into the pond and drowned. Tempers our big win at the end.
Ouch. We're down $60 for the day. Picking horses is not a skill we've acquired.
2/4 on our bets... These horses are tough to pick!
Pilot says they've lost half the instruments in the cockpit, we have to go back to the gate. Hurray broken plane.
A full flight on a pretty small plane. Hopefully iPhone 3G battery can make it through a movie.
Making a final run through of everything needed in Texas. Puzzle Quest, check. Personal A/C, check. Wait, no personal A/C? Crap.