Cylon Lover
10Friends 1Fans
female Colorado, United States
Vagabond, wanderer, seeker, opinionated trouble-maker. Also, dog trainer.
Cylon Lover
12 years ago 8
CinnamonQuills, MinaLupa Ev started his canon update yesterday after dropping off Dakotah. Who wants to announce this time?
Cylon Lover
12 years ago 1
I have the longest email signature in the history of email signatures that DON'T have confidential warnings
Cylon Lover
12 years ago 6
So sleepy. SO much to do. Ugh.
Cylon Lover
12 years ago 13
[RP MEME] Oh, I'll bite. Who I've played and where...
Cylon Lover
12 years ago 4
No more barking dogs. PLEASE!
Cylon Lover
12 years ago 19
[RP] I think Ev needs a shave. Opinions?
Cylon Lover
12 years ago 12
Dredd, not as violent as I was lead to believe. I am almost sad about this.
Cylon Lover
12 years ago 6
New Cole/Hitch book
Cylon Lover
12 years ago
The funniest thing about this moment is listening to the boy talk to himself about WoW arena teams, while he's getting his ass kicked.
Cylon Lover
13 years ago 4
Anyone around who is even remotely familiar with Boolean Algebra, Duality, and Demorgan's theorem?