Cylon Lover
10Friends 1Fans
female Colorado, United States
Vagabond, wanderer, seeker, opinionated trouble-maker. Also, dog trainer.
Cylon Lover
13 years ago
[school] Okay, all school stuff now finished, except eating lunch. So, after I clear my insane inbox, I'll be catching up here.
Cylon Lover
13 years ago 18
[rl] [health] [sex] For those of you playing along at home, the boy paid my first and last on a gym membership.
Cylon Lover
13 years ago 32
[Homeland] Come on, people. You should be watching this.
Homeland Season 1 Finale PreviewHomeland Season 1 Finale Preview
Cylon Lover
13 years ago 5
[rl] [school] [health] You know, finals is NOT the time to get a cold. I cannot think. Rawr!
Cylon Lover
13 years ago 8
[amat] Brody app submitted... Waiting time starts now.
Cylon Lover
13 years ago 1
[school] Final projects are very hbad for karma. :-(
Cylon Lover
13 years ago 9
[school] The robot qualified. We have an A unless I totally fuck the report. Which seems unlikely, since I got perfect on the last one.
Cylon Lover
13 years ago 26
[rp] Okay, so... I have this Brody app sitting in my draft and I am taking him from the most recent ep...