Julia★ 想改姓上官
9Friends 17Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan

"Don’t ever let someone tell you that you can’t do something. You got a dream, you gotta protect it." - The Pursuit of Happyness
今天中午吃 PIZZERIA OGGI,海陸雙醬披薩,好吃
for a moment, i was surrounding by a group of warriors. XDDDDDDDD
How am i supposed to react when someone level 12 told to me "I'm strong than you two" and I am level 35?
我的滑鼠真的怪怪的啦,左鍵會自己連點 OTZ
my god... 剛帶著兩個新人坦... 累死我了..........
一個 boss 打了半個小時,我的手都在抖。然後我被認識不到三天的人調戲惹......
練英文快速方法:玩 Arcane Legends。一堆縮寫看不懂啊!!!!! 快累死我惹。