22Friends 18Fans
female Manila, Philippines
BS Food Technology student, always stressed and misses her friends. :-D
iris hates
16 years ago 9
that she forgot raein's movie day. di mo kasi ako ni-remind e! (doh)
iris says
16 years ago
good morning! at least di mainit today:-D
iris says
16 years ago
time to sleep! practicum uli bukas. nyt! (bye)
16 years ago
forgot to add that we got stranded in NLEX! (rofl) what an experience!
16 years ago 4
just got home from bataan. grbe, we got stranded because the rubber from the car's tire got all pudpod. :-o
iris has
16 years ago
to start making the meeting agenda so we can swim earlier! (gym)
iris is
16 years ago
leaving for bataan later for SC semplanning + bonding (dance)
16 years ago
finished her rarejob interview kanina. $$$ here I come! :-D
iris asks
16 years ago 4
if you know any single guy out there looking for a girl? haha. my friend wants "distraction" (LOL)
iris thinks
16 years ago 11
that it's kinda unfair... we slave over the fruitcake and ham production yet we're also expected to sell them?! wth?! (angry)