11Friends 32Fans
female Iloilo, Philippines
there's too much blood in my alcohol system
ireadik is
16 years ago
having a meeting with brods fr0m the nati0nal office.. And having tequila f0r lunch. :-( []
16 years ago
RHD sucks. I felt it again.. dragging me to death last night.
ireadik is
16 years ago 16
reading a book- "keep love real" :-) []
ireadik says
16 years ago
i am destined to be a dreamer and a realist at the same time; to ask myself questi0ns i kn0w the answers to; to watch my dreams fade away..
16 years ago
had 2 bottles of beer..
16 years ago 4
misses dorm life. :'-(
16 years ago
I had legitimate reasons to cry then, only I figured that crying is not as much fun as laughing, And so I did. :-(
ireadik wants
16 years ago
to eat fried ice cream