15Friends 10Fans
male Downers Grove, IL, United States
15 years ago 5
I've just completed 45 storyboards for a client. Changes should be coming this afternoon.
15 years ago 3
back to working
15 years ago 3
just drew 20 illustrations today. Still have a few more to go. Been up since 5:30am. Due tomorrow. Think I'll go take a nap.
inkyboy is
15 years ago
already having a "Cat Won't Shutup" day.
inkyboy is
15 years ago
also wondering if he should change it up and get Chinese instead.
inkyboy is
15 years ago
trying to decide if he should go out and get tacos.
15 years ago 1
Cat can't sleep. And when the cat can't sleep, nobody sleeps.
15 years ago 4
Today was a good hair day.
inkyboy is
15 years ago 7
going to watch "Twelfth Night".
15 years ago
just sent an invoice. Yay me! Now back to drawing.