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male Manila, Philippines
Mr. Antonio Levy S. Ingles, Jr. or Sir Toni is your DLS-CSB SMS Theo Philo Classroom & Online Instructor. He is a Facilitator of Learning, Learner-centered and Christ-centered. He believes that each learner is truly unique.
inglesantonio is
15 years ago
Nearly 5,000 people have reportedly died from swine flu since it emerged this year...
inglesantonio is
15 years ago
so let us face this truth that life is not so much how long we live, but how meaningfully we live our lives even if life is short.
inglesantonio is
15 years ago
Nuland claims that the key to aging is not in living forever,
inglesantonio is
15 years ago
Since the truth of aging scares us, aging process is not something to be scared of.
inglesantonio is
15 years ago
When we turn a blind eye (nag bulag-bulagan) to pretend aging does not exist, then we will not have a worth-living life to live.