di ako natutuwa sa videos ng mga tao na ang galaw galaw ng kuha (nakakahilo) at sa mga reels na ultra fast ang speed, bkit ba kayo nagmamadali. saying this as a slow-paced person
only me can feel and say how painful my back and neck is for hours now and only me can tell how annoying it is to have a disturbing allergic rhinitis. It cost me lots to go on vacation and be free from these pains but i swear i'd like to do that again for my own physical comfort!
I achieved back pain & headache-free days during my 1 week vacation in Tbilisi. Just one day coming back home and to work, allergic rhinitis, neck and upper back pain and headache is instantly back huhuhuhu ang sakit! This is all stress plus i get too much tension from driving on bad road conditions, pasaway drivers and rushing to reach work on time
I am sorry to say this but i have seen two of the most hypocrite people in this community from our local church. You can be strict with how u behave in church or how you pray but the most important, whether you have religion or not - is your attitude, genuineness, kindness and compassion to other people.