A Mature Child
51Friends 33Fans
female Calgary, AB, Canada
Please be optimistic. :目
Keep smiling I insist.

Don't worry about what they say,
Cuz they got nothing on you, baby. :-)

*Insist the principles to complete myself.*

♥ You don't know you're beautiful.
♥ Je t'aime.
A Mature Child 討厭
11 years ago
我被室友整了吃下一碗超甜泡麵還天真的覺得我味覺出問題嗚嗚。 :-&
A Mature Child
11 years ago
A Mature Child 喜歡
11 years ago 2
A Mature Child
11 years ago 2
A Mature Child 討厭
11 years ago
好久沒這麼早起床了反胃想吐。 :-&
A Mature Child 打算
11 years ago 1
走一趟廟宇去拜拜囉!新的開始心的沉澱。 :-)
A Mature Child asks
11 years ago
An angel will die, will she?
A Mature Child 喜歡
11 years ago
A Mature Child is
11 years ago 1
It snows heavily outside...
it almost covers all the roads and houses.
Crazy weather in Calgary!!!
A Mature Child 喜歡
11 years ago 2
謝謝我最最最親愛的阿爸阿母總是無條件的支持著我,放手讓我完成夢想放心讓我闖遍世界。 (girlkiss) (girlkiss) (girlkiss) (heart_beat)