15Friends 43Fans
female Indonesia
a girl whom everybody loves.
i'm indescribable: therefore, i'm irreplaceable :-) oh, did i tell you that i love south korea? yeah, and i want to learn korean language as well :-) HOTTEST! 2PM is loveeeee :-) will support you guys forever :-)
meidy is
14 years ago
currently at church. its not as packed as i expected.
meidy is
14 years ago
congratulating all the teams! we all had fun, didn't we? :-) for purple team, CONGRATULATIONS! (esp. my ex-redspartans teammates :-)
meidy is
14 years ago 4
ready to sleep! off to slumberland we go!
14 years ago 1
kalo mau ngajak ribut, jangan sekarang deh!
meidy says
14 years ago
, "i guess i'll be sleeping in the car tomorrow. i will still be sleepy if i only sleep for 5 hours. but that's OKAAYYY! :-)"
meidy needs
14 years ago 4
to finish her journals, prepare a simple speech for tomorrow, and packing clothes for sleepover. tomorrow's gonna be more than AWESOME!
meidy is
14 years ago
extremely glad because holiday is here! yeaahhh!
14 years ago
had so much fun this afternoon. great game, purple! :-)
meidy has
14 years ago
been downloading songs for the past 2 hours. i am loving k. will's voice!
meidy wants
14 years ago 10
to sleep some more for the sake of health and beauty. hehe :-)