13Friends 6Fans
female Vancouver, BC, Canada
14 years ago 7
dropping most of the courses and move to ubc,需要勇氣.hope everything works smoothly...
imcindy522 is
14 years ago 7
(hungry)going to dine at世界排名第八ㄉ餐廳耶 好期待
imcindy522 will
14 years ago 2
go back to Bodwell and work as a summer program counselor in July :-)
imcindy522 is
14 years ago
好久沒有 回家坐在書桌前一直寫功課了 連續幾天都這樣 晚上好快就沒了
imcindy522 feels
14 years ago
good after an job interview this morning :-) hope everything go smoothly~
imcindy522 feels
14 years ago
重新擁抱 my little volvo
imcindy522 feels
14 years ago
可惜 iron man家炸爛了
imcindy522 feels
14 years ago 6
yeah~ 拿到山頭火的免費拉麵卷了 沒有白排了~ :-D:-D:
imcindy522 wonders
14 years ago
if i should keep my car..
imcindy522 wonders
14 years ago
今天上網看分數 有一顆是 GN 耶 嚇死我了上網看是 grade not reported 音望是學校的問題