68Friends 72Fans
male Indonesia
senang selalu...apa adanya...

-How Hard are you have a plan in life..But itself has a Plan..-

Mr. Big - Just Take My Heart

Where r u now ?
Lamb of God - Now Youve Got Something to Die for
ilham says
11 years ago
plurk kalah bersaing ternyata dgn facebook, twitter, instagram, path dll.. (gym_okok)
ilham says
11 years ago
ilham says
12 years ago
hey you fatgirl i miss you so much
ilham says
12 years ago
aahhh udh minggu mlm ajeee
ilham says
12 years ago
mari kita jumatan
ilham says
12 years ago
im not in the good know that!!
ilham says
12 years ago 1
have a nice weekend *narik selimut
ilham says
12 years ago
selamat pagiii
ilham says
12 years ago
Taqabbalallahu Minna Waminkum Kullu Aamin Wa Antum Bi Khair. Mohon Maaf Lahir & Batin. Minal 'aidin walfaidzin -ilham adiwibowo-
ilham says
12 years ago