16Friends 25Fans
female Adelaide, Australia
a Wordsmith =) ikainhere ^^
15 years ago
kalo jarak antara kita 1000 langkah, berjalanlah 1 langkah, aku yang akan menghampirimu 999 langkah. *Sby-Solo berapa langkah?
15 years ago
behind every practice is a rationale. good practice is based on good theory whether we are aware of the theory or not.
15 years ago
eka nya udda pulang. now is time to sleep cuz there is Accounting Theory class at 03:30pm. |-)
15 years ago
sekarang bukan: saatnya silaturahmi, murahnya im3. but: saatnya silaturahmi, gratisnya im3. :x
15 years ago
tadi tentor gw ternyata anak mig33..jd bukannya ngajar malah kitanya nggedwabrus..aseek banged :x
15 years ago
hello guys. happy sahur. buat yang tadi malem ngebahas kurus, ayo kita semua makan yang banyak!! :-P
15 years ago
Look! BENGKEL HATI at TPI. Tontonan wajib every morning. but sekarang live from Masjid Pondok Indah Jakarta.
15 years ago
Did you know Indonesia is the most friendly country according to the Smiling Award 2009 Sweden? indonesiaunite indounite
ikainhere tanya
15 years ago
Did you know that Garam Madura is the most expensive salt in Europe? #indonesiaunite
ikainhere tanya
15 years ago
Did you know that the world's finest and most expensive coffe is Kopi Luwak from the Indonesian island of Sumatera?