nothing like the luxury of taking a nap in broad daylight
why is it easier to pray for others than for yourself?
and wow trying to act Godly in such situation, is really challenging.
today is quite an epiphany of Murphy's law.
it has been a long day at work trying to hold myself up due to an impending news i've always refused for it to happen as if i've the power to do so & the last thing u want to deal with is another emotional ride
abandon ship speaks a lot about an individual. would u rather be the one who abandon people or being abandoned?
i guess as you grow older, you slowly realize a lot of matters are really not within your means of control.
a season of uncertainty but be comforted that God is in control.
my mind was so action packed the past few days that going to sleep seemed like a redundant act.
"or your dad when he needs someone to pick on or your mom when she needs a grocery shopping companion."