217Friends 124Fans
female Manila, Philippines
She walks in beauty, like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies. ♥
I am a human born mushroom. ★

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happymille says
14 years ago 3
don't stand so close to me....
happymille says
14 years ago
good night
happymille says
14 years ago
Whatevs, baby. Eat your words. (devil)
happymille is
14 years ago
good afternoon. :-)
happymille is
14 years ago
bbye. dinner. :-)
happymille is
14 years ago
just got home from school. masbate section ko. \:-D/
happymille is
14 years ago
Good afternoon. Tapos ko na paliguan si Sharpay. :-)
happymille is
14 years ago 1
good night
happymille is
14 years ago
i always say that i am moving on. but am i really doing it? or is it just so difficult that's why i really CAN'T? </3