36Friends 109Fans
female Paranaque, Philippines
12 years ago 3
the only sport I follow is honest about being fixed.
12 years ago
just finished my first China Mieville book, an author I keep seeing getting namechecked on i09. Must say I enjoyed The City and the City.
icebitch asks
12 years ago 3
, does Tia Maria's still exist? Was talking about decent cheap Mexican food last night and now am craving.
12 years ago 2
I'm anti social, they say. I don't mix. It's so strange. I'm very social indeed. It all depends on what you mean by social doesn't it?
12 years ago
"It was a pleasure to burn." One of the best opening sentences in my opinion. Short and slightly chilling it intregues and sets the tone.
12 years ago 2
picked up Fahrenheit 451 last night, just to look and pay a bit of homage, decided to re-read.
icebitch has
12 years ago
been carting around a payong for two days. . . just in case. Third day, forgets it and. . . blargh. Isn't that just always how it is
12 years ago
RIP Ray Bradbury. Thank you.