the only sport I follow is honest about being fixed.
just finished my first China Mieville book, an author I keep seeing getting namechecked on i09. Must say I enjoyed The City and the City.
, does Tia Maria's still exist? Was talking about decent cheap Mexican food last night and now am craving.
I'm anti social, they say. I don't mix. It's so strange. I'm very social indeed. It all depends on what you mean by social doesn't it?
"It was a pleasure to burn." One of the best opening sentences in my opinion. Short and slightly chilling it intregues and sets the tone.
picked up Fahrenheit 451 last night, just to look and pay a bit of homage, decided to re-read.
been carting around a payong for two days. . . just in case. Third day, forgets it and. . . blargh. Isn't that just always how it is
RIP Ray Bradbury. Thank you.