22Friends 8Fans
female Philippines
I’m a girl. I don’t know how to put makeup on.I don’t have a good sense of style.I don’t have a billion boys checking me out. I don’t try to make a ton of friends just to be popular. And I don’t really care.
12 years ago
"Hahaha, dami kong tawa!" (LOL) - Wow, nabilang mo?! (annoyed)
12 years ago
“We know what we want, but God knows what we need.” :-))
12 years ago
God doesn't give you the people you want, He give you the people you need to make you the person you were meant to be.
12 years ago
12 years ago
goodmorning! :-))
12 years ago
My silence is just another word for my pain.
12 years ago
Para kang Bubble gum, sa una lang sweet. ;-)
12 years ago
Yung mga taong kung manlait, feeling nila napakaperpektong tao. (unsure)
12 years ago
"Don't let yesterday's pain BRING YOU DOWN."
12 years ago