Lars? =S
47Friends 13Fans
male Alabang!, Philippines
Right now im wondering if i was meant to be a drummer or a guitarist......

I've been super mega bored lately and have nothing to do... any1 have any sugestions???

lars_hernandez is my YM!
Lars? =S is
15 years ago
getting lazy to plurk... ill never reach nirvana at this rate x.x
Lars? =S says
15 years ago
OMG i forgot to plurk today.. karma down again :-(
Lars? =S is
15 years ago 3
having a bad drumming day... wanna see what i mean?
Lars? =S has
15 years ago 5
a recording software now... Anyone wanna gimi a song to cover so i can test it out?
Lars? =S hopes
15 years ago
that his karma wont go down anymore :-D
Lars? =S says
15 years ago 4
WUUUT KARMA DOWN FOR INACTIVE? i just plurked this morning ._.
Lars? =S says
15 years ago
Lars? =S says
15 years ago 1
I cry for the time that you were almost mine, I cry for the memories I've left behind, I cry for the pain, the lost, the old the new
Lars? =S says
15 years ago
amf karma down again x.x
Lars? =S says
15 years ago 12
._. karma down again, amf naman ohh :-(