Lars? =S
47Friends 13Fans
male Alabang!, Philippines
Right now im wondering if i was meant to be a drummer or a guitarist......

I've been super mega bored lately and have nothing to do... any1 have any sugestions???

lars_hernandez is my YM!
Lars? =S is
15 years ago
still awake
Lars? =S is
15 years ago
giving up on plurk :-D... back to YM
Lars? =S needs
15 years ago
karma :-( , i just got -1
Lars? =S says
15 years ago
Lars? =S shares
15 years ago - Came From SantaCruzan wearing a sabog na barong, slacks, and converse... i think i broke tradition (lmao)
Lars? =S
15 years ago
got Dragged into joining the SantaCrusan of Gablorenzo 's Village, even though i dont live there -.-
Lars? =S says
15 years ago
Please Support by Watching I Promise its nice :-D The Man Who Can't Be Move - The Script (Drum Cover)
Lars? =S shares
15 years ago 7
The Man Who Can't Be Move - The Script (Drum Cover) The Next Cobus.. wahahaha.... Loko :-D
Lars? =S is
15 years ago
Finished Switching the outer skin with the inner skin of my bass drum... =D
Lars? =S will
15 years ago
Exchange the inside bass drum skin with the outside, because the inside popped (LOL)