17Friends 31Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
Me, a master student in math and epidemiology of infectious diseases. I want to be a 'biologist who is good in math'. I love sunshine, beach, swimming and dancing. I love breakin', and I like other style (like lockin', poppin', hip-hop, and jass), to
huntx00121 says
14 years ago
What a nice day! Perhaps lots of things can be done today :-D
huntx00121 says
14 years ago
Tuesday is really a working day! However, It's a good feeling that I can devote all my time to do exp without any time pressure :-D
huntx00121 says
14 years ago 1
Yes! I have a tiny result on ELISA, haha!
huntx00121 wonders
14 years ago
排韓風能持續多久? 看看那些小妞, 還不是拼命抱韓國人大腿. 台灣人都是這樣, 激情過後什麼都不記得...
14 years ago 2
Anti-histamine was really effective.
huntx00121 hopes
14 years ago
no contamination again = = A tiny wish....
huntx00121 feels
14 years ago
quite energetic! A good sleep makes a good day lol
huntx00121 wishes
14 years ago
One day I have power. Let other countries pay their respect to us! Fxxk Cn and Kr
huntx00121 wonders
14 years ago
what is my allergen? Actually, I've never had urticaria before today = = But everything I had today was as usual
huntx00121 feels
14 years ago
extremely itch... allergy Orz