can't hold this stupid feelings. and this embarassing things. that I'm still not in a good mood, and realize that I have terrible grammar.
I'm try my best to change my mood all weeks long and you just ruin it less than 10 seconds. thanks.
runs your mouth! as long as you want
oh ya deh, kayak kamu bukan miss-prissy-perfect-rules-the-world aja cara ngomongnya. mayaaak -,-
pengen nyabut kepala orang, terus ditanem, sapa tau berbuah kepala orang. gue bisa bikin toko buat yang mau transplan kepala.
with all the things that I've done wrong, I must've done something right, at least, I learn something.
selalu ada dari mereka. selalu bukan aku. AKU JELEK, BEGO, USELESS!! iya aku tau, mungkin emang harusnya aku gada ya. biar ga ngrepotin.
I'm nobody with no one surrounding. I'm invisible. maybe better if I don't exist.
sejauh ini, sudah 359 liter alteco. dan sudah menghabiskan 750 mur.
once you asked me, about the old me. I put my old me on nowhere place and I don't even know how to get it back.