29Friends 81Fans
female Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Far from perfect.
One of a kind.
huiting says
15 years ago
faith works wonders=)
huiting says
15 years ago
karma drops =(
huiting says
15 years ago
huiting says
15 years ago
back after exam week=)
huiting says
15 years ago
cant believe I'm yawning after being overdosed by starbucks. geeeez
huiting says
15 years ago 1
this aching heart aint broken yet.
huiting says
15 years ago
Les Miserables rocks.
huiting says
15 years ago
extensive sleep makes me even tireder than before.
huiting says
15 years ago
the event which happened last night was a disaster.
huiting says
15 years ago
on the way to zouk. no idea why I have zero mood to club tonight. perhaps lethargic. perhaps the idea of exams stressed me up. sighs.