505Friends 123Fans
male Aurora, CO, United States
I am the Senior Director for Curriculum and Instruction with McREL in Denver. I am an Apple Distinguished Educator since 1998 and an author of Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works and Classroom Instruction that Works, 2nd ed. I have
12 years ago
On the way to DIA, flying to Sioux Falls then driving to Pipestone, MN.
12 years ago 5
Packing and heading to Pipestone, MN in the morning for two days of technology integration workshops.
12 years ago 2
Working with the teacher education staff with Guam Community College. Day 2 of four days together.
12 years ago 5
Good Friday morning from Saipan. Webinar with new Center Directors and then working with all new principals in the district.
12 years ago 2
Streamed the Rockies game while eating breakfast in Saipan. Great way to start a day.
12 years ago 2
Meeting with the Commisioner and some of her people today at lunch to talk about actions steps. The devil is in the implementation
12 years ago 3
Finished our Tuesday session with administrators in the Southern Cluster of CNMI. Great interaction. Hoping they carry on the work with kids
12 years ago 2
Getting ready to head to Saipan Southern to work with principals for day 2 of tech integration workshop.
12 years ago 8
Bedtime in Saipan. Good Mon. with principals from the south part of the island. Shared ways to use technology to enhance good instruction.