going to St. Basil annual picnic...mann, i'm sneezing like crazy, i don't want to go outside xP
"Life is too short to stress yourself with people who don't deserve to be in issue in your life"...whoever made this, its exactly how i feel
now's the time to keep moving foward, no looking back
most pathetic people in the world are people who run away from the problems that they cause...its so fuckn stupid, grow the hell up
just watched latter days with babe last night...hella love the ending
excited for vegas? HELL YEAHH
how much more hurt do people have to go through before someone stands up and says stop?...cuz i've been hurt too much and not taking anymore
just irritated the fact that a friend could just do that, and everyone else being hella cool wit it...fuckn homewrecker.
why there are people in the world that just love messing with other people's lives...they're shitty people. don't know why people like them