32Friends 30Fans
female Pasadena, CA, United States
hkdkat is
15 years ago
now addicted to coffee bean frozen lemonades. Not addicted to the homeless folks causing trouble out front though.
hkdkat loves
15 years ago
that's it is already 95 outside at 11 a.m. and almost 77 in her office...grrrr
hkdkat wonders
15 years ago
why it smells like cinnamon gum exploded in here?
hkdkat says
15 years ago 6
96 degrees already. Boy it's going to be a hot one!
hkdkat says
15 years ago
Finally saw Watchmen, it was actually pretty good. I was nervous given all the reviews I'd seen from friends and critics alike.
hkdkat thinks
15 years ago
this is quite whimsical
hkdkat thinks
15 years ago 1
it's time to download a few new podcasts and then get some zzzzz's! G'nite all!
hkdkat thinks
15 years ago 3
she must get more excedrin. It's the only thing helping me through these migraines!
hkdkat wonders
15 years ago 4
why there have been so many fatal traffic accidents lately?
15 years ago
had a great time with two of her pledge sisters at lunch!! It's great to catch up!