42Friends 19Fans
male Palma, Spain
浜崎あゆみ / Sunrise ~LOVE is ALL~ PV (DVDRip)
I am a Programmer, finishing my Degree in Computer Science. Love Japan. Study Japanese.
Was in Japan in 2007 (21 days).
Hisamuran.com - H@me
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hisamuran dice
15 years ago 8
I'm thinking about ideas for my final project. Collaborative software developing application over the Internet (improving existing ones) :-)
hisamuran dice
15 years ago 11
I'm watching "Ocean's Thirteen" again, but in FullHD on satellite TV and no ads B-)
hisamuran dice
15 years ago 4
I'm going out to play bowling and have dinner (rock) (gym) (hungry) (dance)
hisamuran dice
15 years ago 5
Good morning!! おはよ~~~!!Going to prepare to go to work, see you later! (wave)
hisamuran dice
15 years ago 46
Autumn has finally arrived, now here the minimum temperature is 15ºC with a 93% Humidity... quite a lot :-)
hisamuran dice
15 years ago 2
Good night! Oyasumiii!! おやすみいい〜〜〜!  (sleeping)
hisamuran dice
15 years ago
today I went to see a kimono exhibition that my Japanese teacher held today. There were a lot of wonderful kimonos and accesories :-)
hisamuran dice
15 years ago 3
Good night!! Oyasumiiiiii!!! おやすみ~~~!! (sleeping) (sleeping)
hisamuran dice
15 years ago
One of my 2 last subjetcts in my bachelor degree is an application development project: IT system for a Sports goods chain of shops B-)
hisamuran dice
15 years ago
I have just installed PostGre SQL for this semester's exercises in a Java developing subject B-)