5Friends 12Fans
male Lahore, Pakistan
10 years ago
It is just me or is AXE really making lousy spray mechanism for their products nowadays.
10 years ago
I just used Shazam to discover Aim High by John Legend. Aim High
10 years ago
At fancy restaurants: Do not order what you can not pronounce!
10 years ago
There's a reason why "family" ends with "ily".(LOL)
himindy says
11 years ago
people say different things in different shoes.
himindy says
11 years ago
dear indo consul if these ppl were being a*holes, you should've been smart enough to prepare for this inflow.
himindy is
11 years ago
trying out gwiyomi in front of the mirror.
himindy wonders
11 years ago
why shaking of the box of koala march cookies is necessary before eating?
himindy says
11 years ago
so today in my district it was 43 degrees and Jeddah over all 47 degrees celsius.
himindy says
11 years ago
Malaysian airlines.... i don't get tired of your tune, even after all these years.