14Friends 4Fans
male Yogyakarta, Indonesia
cheerfull! and happy (almost) to get the best things in my life!
hiday is
15 years ago 1
good morning hei plukers!
hiday is
15 years ago
merasa bosan dengan long holiday ini!!!! X-(
hiday is
15 years ago
syalalalala dum dum
hiday is
15 years ago
good morning
hiday is
15 years ago
and now i'm gonna fried the rice and this is it "NASI GOWRENG" a la Chef Fara Tuiiing HAHAHHAHAHAH!
hiday is
15 years ago
hiday is
15 years ago
berasa hidup gue flat abis gini gini aja :-&
hiday is
15 years ago
gilaa emak gue doyan abis nonton sinetron amit amit jabang bayi"SEKAR" naujubile! haha
hiday is
15 years ago
nyanyi nyanyi sambil nenteng sepatu sama loncat loncat!
hiday is
15 years ago 6
bingung mo ngapain? joget loncat uda joget sambil nungging juga uda joget sambil salto juga uda