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female Portland, OR, United States
helaine96 says
13 years ago
Teeth Whitening - Is It for You? p-k.me/2Mq
helaine96 says
13 years ago
Ultraviolet-B and vitamin D reduce risk of dental caries | Vitamin D Council p-k.me/2Mg
helaine96 says
13 years ago
101 Ways to Get a Great Smile p-k.me/2Mf
helaine96 says
13 years ago
Yes! An Apple a Day actually is healthy advice for many reasons. Here's why >>> p-k.me/2Hg
helaine96 says
13 years ago
treat explanation of carbamide peroxide v hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening gel >>> p-k.me/2FZ
helaine96 says
13 years ago
Ten reasons to support mercury free dentisty and keep amalam out of your teeth >>> p-k.me/2FL
helaine96 says
13 years ago
p-k.me/2DK is a great place to get sound reviews of teeth whitening products and services, how the work, ingredients to look for, etc
helaine96 says
13 years ago
The most popular self-administered teeth whitening kit for professional use. A dentist in Florida just ordered 50 of these.
helaine96 says
13 years ago
Did you know cancer cells require fructose to divide? And they can't convert glucose to fructose? Fructose Free = Cancer Free.
helaine96 says
13 years ago
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. My sister-in-law survived bc but had a double mastectomy. ww5.komen.org/