88Friends 126Fans
female Philippines
living my life :-)
i live for great conversations, yummy food, laughter and a bucket full of happiness! :-)
heiressdren says
11 years ago
There might be weeping in the evening but there is joy in the morning
heiressdren says
11 years ago
sleep or not to sleep?? that is the question
heiressdren says
11 years ago
do not get discouraged. life will throw things at you but what matters most is how you get up, brush yourself off and move on.
heiressdren says
11 years ago
Living the good life! Great friends! Great job! Supportive family!
heiressdren says
11 years ago
God is in control!
heiressdren says
11 years ago
when you share your story to new friends and tears fall from your eyes because you were really traumatized.
heiressdren says
11 years ago
When you have to call internationally for an interview... O_O
heiressdren says
11 years ago
BURNED EVERYTHING TODAY. And it actually felt like a relief..... No more holding on to things.. No more baggage...
heiressdren says
11 years ago
Distraction. Distractions. Hope everything will be worth it..........
heiressdren says
11 years ago
Pain pain pain.......... please fade away.