13Friends 86Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
卡在一個所謂華麗又迷人的人間煉獄產業. 正經歷提早到來的中年危機. 一直感覺到人生很悲慘但是還是試著讓自己覺得有趣. (聽起來有點自欺欺人...)

Got Stucked in a so-called Gorgeous and Glamour Living Hell Industry. Experiencing Pre-Mature Midlife Crisis. Felt life is miserable but still trying to make it enjoyable...
Stan shares
15 years ago
Quote for Today: "A friend is nothing but a known enemy" - Kurt Cobain
Stan shares
15 years ago 3
淨口業真言: 嗡 修利修利 摩訶修利 修修利 娑婆訶... 不會念怎辦... 要拿佛珠嗎? (annoyed)
Stan hates
15 years ago 2
做這些事不是看眼前的利益.是保留一年兩年後讓你有Drive Profit的空間... 寫在噗浪遠比寫email爽... (angry) 愚蠢
Stan hates
15 years ago 2
Stan hates
15 years ago
她媽的浪費我一整個下午... 去死吧... 難怪有AM無用論...
Stan hates
15 years ago
媽的... 妳說合理就合理是吧. 合哪條道理? 說來聽聽啊! 沒有辦法隨著環境變化做調整還想做AM? 真她媽的愚蠢...
Stan says
15 years ago 4
林愷莉的卡爾瑪剩下7了... 她明天上班應該會想哭吧. ;-)
Stan says
15 years ago
倫敦又塞車了... (LOL) 應該說哪天不塞車吧... 不知到Congestion Charge範圍有沒有變廣. (thinking)
Stan says
15 years ago
Absolute Radio 真是上班良伴... (LOL)
Stan says
15 years ago 2
一般大家都說做人要謙虛... 不過今天讀到一段話. "Don't be humble, you are not that great."... 不錯的論點. 你不謙虛, 因為你不夠好...