69Friends 16Fans
male Green Turtle Cay, Bahamas
A small drink
A last shot
As burgundy swirls and swivels in smoke
A tinkling glass
A sparkling light
And everything starts to change its mood.
GRADIENTorange is
15 years ago 2
hot and cold... xP
GRADIENTorange is
15 years ago
on the way to Pa-STARdom.. LOLZ... :-))
15 years ago
still has to make Art Stud 2 midterm paper for tomorrow..:-D
15 years ago 13
wassup HAMMY!!! :-D
15 years ago 2
kanta tayo!! KARMA pababa-pababa ng pababa!! XD
15 years ago 22
begs people to flood this plurk!!
GRADIENTorange gusto
15 years ago 6
magKARMA freeze.. grabe after one week super drop nanaman ng Karma.. hahai buhay...
GRADIENTorange ay
15 years ago 6
naeexcite na sa nalalapit na May 13.. :-))
GRADIENTorange ay
15 years ago 2
di maintindihan kung naiiinis or natatawa sa 3 in 1 plus 1 commercial ng Selecta ice cream.. LOLz (woot)
GRADIENTorange ay
15 years ago 2
naiiinis kasi bumaba na naman ang aking karma.. shet..