17Friends 14Fans
female Atlanta, GA, United States
Hayley is a theatre doing, stage managing, 9-5 working girl....but is learning that there is more to life than that. :-)
hayley8675309 has
15 years ago 1
magic to do...Pippin opens tonight!
15 years ago
also, "Away We Go" is really really good.
15 years ago 4
2nd interview went really well. Now just waiting to hear "yay" or "nay".
15 years ago
got the phone call. 2nd interview to happen on Wednesday at 11:45. :-) Thanks everyone for their good thoughts!
hayley8675309 is
15 years ago 5
at People Store. Doin' the fillin' in thang. Cautiously opptomistic for a phone call from GET. (goodluck)
15 years ago
inteview went well...just waiting on the callback interview phone call. Now to trim the dog. You wish you were me, don't ya? ;-)
hayley8675309 has
15 years ago 4
an interview in the morning. Good vibes and thoughts would be muchly appreciated. :-)
15 years ago
wasn't expecting that. The only time I was moved to tears during the ceremony.
15 years ago 4
daytime infomercials = hilarious mixed with a little bit of sad.
15 years ago 10
benefits to a last day...the boss bought me jewelry and co-workers bought my lunch. Not all bad, I guess.