5Friends 1Fans
male Austin, TX, United States
hausevangelist shares
16 years ago 5
16 years ago
just read a scathing review of wall*e from an Austrian economists' point of view, but I haven't seen it yet
hausevangelist says
16 years ago 2
sitting around the pool with some hot chicks having a conversation about showering with one another IS hot, ftw
hausevangelist is
16 years ago 2
looking for Tray's e-mail address...please IM
16 years ago 6
thanks tim for driving and his hospitality for the fourth
hausevangelist says
16 years ago
the word of the day: boondoggle!
hausevangelist has
16 years ago 2
a fan! this hasn't happened since that german couple stood next to the decks at that party that got shut down like 5 years ago!
16 years ago 1
totally forgot about that crazy professor-looking dude on cable-access that uses all the special effects while saying nonsensical things
16 years ago 3
now has basic cable...this is prolly a bad idea. as much time as i waste on the internet, at least some of that is learning history/whatnot