94Friends 108Fans
female Sydney, Australia
patricia says
15 years ago
hates it when confronted by mother about sex lol how awkward. "so what happened just then?" ME: uh..nothing happened..go away (blush)
patricia says
15 years ago
ok. steve is coming over later to meet my parents.i lied to my friends about me being out so they cant come this right? i shall see.
patricia says
15 years ago
zomg 3 days of madness. 4 hours of sleep and nonstop supply of the anna tecouka funky monkey drink. my brain is lagging
patricia says
15 years ago
been struggling to toilet train my sister but thanks to shamwow! our carpet still looks great -_-
patricia says
15 years ago
cant believe im following the apprentice australia! lols. they make me hungry for success grrr
patricia says
15 years ago
wow. he posted a video of him and his new girl. happy halloween!
patricia says
15 years ago 2
a pack of degenerate juvenile delinquents threw eggs over my balcony.THEY MUST BE IMPALED AND DECAPITATED.this is living in mt. Druitt...
patricia says
15 years ago 2
omg! my mom is really a nazi. now she's obligating me to go trick or treating with my 2 year old sister! OH WHAT A WORLD! WHAT A WORLD! :-&
patricia says
15 years ago
aww no car for tonight! -_- now we're stuck at my place.lameeerrrrr
patricia shares
15 years ago I dont know if you guys have seen this before but oohh, hilarity!! lmao