28Friends 27Fans
female Cincinnati, OH, United States
knits. works. and occasionally blogs at yarnovers.blogspot.com/
happycat is
16 years ago
knitting socks and plurking.
happycat was
16 years ago
thinking of staying up late to see if Dr. Horrible part 3 would post at midnight. Then she remembered she's in the wrong time zone.
happycat is
16 years ago 2
deplurking to get ready for bed. night, all!
happycat is
16 years ago 9
back from dinner. we eat late when it stays light so late.
happycat is
16 years ago 1
deplurking for dinner - back later on!
happycat has
16 years ago 2
just figured out how to subscribe to podcasts on itunes. happycat is slow.
happycat is
16 years ago 5
not digging a big long trench tonight. she is cooking instead.
happycat shares
16 years ago 5
www.drhorrible.com/index... This is Joss Whedon's newest project. Go watch now. Shiny!
happycat is
16 years ago 1
overwhelmed. today is too busy
happycat is
16 years ago 6
hoping that mr. happycat will not want her to help dig the big drainage trench in the side yard again today after work.