16Friends 21Fans
female Palembang, Indonesia
you can see with your heart how I am, and I do not need to tell me.
If you can judge a person with wisdom, you will surely know who I am and how my personality ^ _ ^

happy_ansori says
13 years ago
panasnyooo palembangggggg
happy_ansori says
13 years ago
When u feel like no one caresor if u're feeling lonely,remember: theressomeone in this world that thinks about ubefore they go to sleep.
happy_ansori says
13 years ago
When u feel like no onecares or if u're feeling lonely, remember:theres someone in this world that thinksabout u before they go to sleep.
happy_ansori says
13 years ago
besok acara Perpisaha sama Pengendali Tekhnis
happy_ansori says
13 years ago
I tried to see it through rose-tinted glasses And smile. Tomorrow never knows. It's happy line.... ^_^
happy_ansori says
13 years ago
Even if you don’t smile. With my feelings for tomorrow in my heart.
happy_ansori says
13 years ago
Everyone has a smile they call happiness. Can you see it? Even if you don’t smile.
happy_ansori says
13 years ago
besok makan makan bersama anak anakk... Sipiriliii
happy_ansori says
13 years ago
besok masuk kantor. Horeee.. Sipiriliiiii.... Hahaa
happy_ansori says
13 years ago
lalalala dia tampan sekali hari iniiiiiii