5Friends 17Fans
male Jericho, NY, United States
Commercial mortgage lender, broker and trainer since 1990.
halthouse1 says
14 years ago
Nuclear redux: Is this the only solution to the BP 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? ping.fm/sz92n
halthouse1 says
14 years ago
As Muslim population grows, what can happen to a society? ping.fm/SJGer
halthouse1 says
14 years ago
Why Gen. McChrystal said what he said in Rolling Stone ping.fm/v3HVI
halthouse1 says
14 years ago
Obama and the BP oil spill update: One or two pictures are worth 1000's of words (Video) ping.fm/DM6cw
halthouse1 says
14 years ago
Obama to spank McChrystal: Is that right? ping.fm/fjNPC
halthouse1 says
14 years ago
Sharia Law primer: What is it and why is it a concern for the United States? ping.fm/HXVvC
halthouse1 says
14 years ago
Sharia top 10 list of reasons of why it is bad for society ping.fm/r88x5
halthouse1 says
14 years ago
Shariah and the United States: A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse ping.fm/gOfYs
halthouse1 says
14 years ago
Breaking news: Rep. Tom Graves, Republican of Georgia joins Committee on Homeland Security ping.fm/s6tgp
halthouse1 says
14 years ago
Is a major terrorist attack in the offing? ping.fm/6A0wL