14Friends 33Fans
female Singapore
i ♥ cats,dance & slacking,hate ALL exams and following rules :-D NOT TOTALLY BAD,AND NOT TOTALLY GOOD.




♥ANDSS 2/2'09
hUi_Lin_♥ says
15 years ago
hiiii:-D doin lit hw now,hope will have more of this kind so got excuse use comp^^
hUi_Lin_♥ says
15 years ago
wait til ur parents are around,then say FUNK really loud.i wanna know their reactions HAHA.
hUi_Lin_♥ says
15 years ago
YAY YAY YAY!!!!!my bag is ready for collection~ :-DDDD
hUi_Lin_♥ says
15 years ago
supposed to be doin lit hw but keep getting sidetracked x) eh ppl dont blog so much can i wont so guilty about my dead blog xD
hUi_Lin_♥ says
15 years ago
first few weeks of sch and alr i owe hw LOLOLOL.
hUi_Lin_♥ wants
15 years ago
my new schbag NOWWWW.darn it why so long one zzz-.-
hUi_Lin_♥ is
15 years ago 2
BACK!!miss me??:-D HAHA.
15 years ago
giant blisters on both feet ._. tmr baishou die le LOL.
15 years ago
CCA open house tmr,ppl must watch dance hor^^
15 years ago