76Friends 68Fans
female Bay Area, Philippines
opinionated, spontaneous, bubbly...loves music, travel, food, photography, fashion, movies, taekwondo...

lagarista!...civil servant sa jock sa gabi ^_^
gurljock shares
12 years ago 1
"soul food"
"behind every sin is a cry for love...the pleasure of sin is the pirated version of the pleasure of being loved.
12 years ago 1
survived Sunday night over a glass of bitter-tasting, heart-pounding, there's-no-way-I'm-gonna-love-it drink...
gurljock says
12 years ago
Sabado! (yahoo)
12 years ago
misses baba (heart)
12 years ago
thinking of loading up with vit. A and hopeful the veggie salad for lunch will make a difference today...dear eyes, behave please! •__•
12 years ago
blames the bad case of "eye strain" for missing a good laugh with Jess last night...
gurljock says
12 years ago 2 surfs up for summer! I want (woot)
gurljock shares
12 years ago
"the greatest poverty is the poverty of being unloved." - Mother Teresa
now who feels poor? (>•<;-)
gurljock loves
12 years ago 2
the summer rain..."I Miss U" is playing and can't help but feel the same! wooot!
12 years ago
"in the human eyes, we are all bruised, bandaged and broken..but in God's eyes, we are all beautiful, beloved and blessed." #iamgratefulmuch