59Friends 24Fans
male Parañaque, Philippines
You're growing up, and the rain sort of remains on the branches
of a tree that will someday rule the Earth, and it's good that there is rain.
It clears the month of your sorry rainbow expressions
and it clears the streets of the silent armies, so
n0s3bl33d hates
16 years ago
n0s3bl33d is
16 years ago 2
so bored.. haiz.. (:
n0s3bl33d says
16 years ago 4
have not plurked for sometime.. T_T
n0s3bl33d is
16 years ago
in warzone.. waiting for the 10 min mark before class starts.. WHOA!!! (dance)
n0s3bl33d hates
16 years ago
the heat outside!!! anak nang!!! rawr.. (angry)
n0s3bl33d is
16 years ago
in wordproc class as usual.. ahahaha haiz.. weeee learning how to make a resume.. ahaha oo na loser na ako.. (dance)
n0s3bl33d says
16 years ago 3
~SOUP~ will not beat me in GEO CHALLENGE!!! (dance)
n0s3bl33d is
16 years ago
sooooooooooooo bored!!!! (:
n0s3bl33d is
16 years ago
pissed!!! bagal ng connection ng net ngayon.. (angry)
n0s3bl33d is
16 years ago
tired and relaxing right now with coffee!!! hahaha WHOA!!! another exemption sa quiz!!!! (dance)