75Friends 25Fans
male Vigan, Philippines
palimos po kuya

mr.brightside shares
15 years ago 17
The Maine- Santa Stole My Girlfriend bad santa
15 years ago 7
single na daw siya..edi single na din ako..eto naman gusto mo di ba?? :-(
15 years ago 5
mr.brightside shares
15 years ago 1
Simple Plan - I Can Wait Forever (Full, Lyrics) I can wait forever.. I still love you..
mr.brightside says
15 years ago 3
my right eye hurts.. (annoyed)
mr.brightside says
15 years ago 4
when I think of you, I dont feel so alone
mr.brightside says
15 years ago
The silence isnt so bad,till I looked at my hands and feel sadcause the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly(tears)
mr.brightside says
15 years ago 5
I watch the sky turn light blue, but it's not the same without you. (tears)
mr.brightside shares
15 years ago 1
The Killers - Mr. Brightside (plus video clip & lyrics) haysss.. (annoyed)
mr.brightside says
15 years ago 3
They watched me drink my pain away a little at a time,but I never could get drunk enough to get you off my mind. :-(