goldie :))
36Friends 11Fans
female Zamboanga, Philippines
Camp rock This is me  lyrics
goldie :)) is
12 years ago
kayu ka ui.
goldie :)) is
12 years ago
goldie :)) is
12 years ago
You have to accept the fact that some people will never fit into your life, no matter how much you want them to.
goldie :)) is
12 years ago
042. You don't miss me. You're just bored.
goldie :)) is
12 years ago
Happiness is not something outside that you bring in. It is something inside that you bring out.
goldie :)) is
12 years ago
When you give too much importance to the people in whose life you have no importance, you are bound to hurt yourself.. >.<
goldie :)) is
12 years ago
:-) update
goldie :)) is
12 years ago
I'm not evil. I suffer from a severe kindness deficiency. It's deadly, to others. >.<
goldie :)) is
12 years ago
over sa deplurk :-(