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female Kamias, Philippines

Super Junior(슈퍼주니어) _ BONAMANA(미인아) _ MusicVideo
Super Junior 슈퍼주니어_BONAMANA(미인아)_MUSIC VIDEO
Super Junior 슈퍼주니어_SORRY, SORRY(쏘리 쏘리)_MUSIC VIDEO
"I know that you don't owe me, and I shouldn't ask for more; I shouldn't feel so let down, all the times when you don't call."
"Today, Daniela, God wants you to know that you have allies in the world."
tried to bake chocolate chip cookies LOL
"Today, Daniela, we believe God wants you to know that you are commanded to love everyone, not condemn those who don't agree with you."
"Today, Daniel, we believe God wants you to know that your soul is always in communion with God."
"Today, Daniela, we believe God wants you to know that you have so many gifts! - use them."
"The greatest heartache comes from loving another soul, they said, beyond reason, beyond doubt, with no hope of salvation."
jogged/walked around UP earlier (gym) haha