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female Kamias, Philippines

Super Junior(슈퍼주니어) _ BONAMANA(미인아) _ MusicVideo
Super Junior 슈퍼주니어_BONAMANA(미인아)_MUSIC VIDEO
Super Junior 슈퍼주니어_SORRY, SORRY(쏘리 쏘리)_MUSIC VIDEO
At The Breakfast Table
"...it would be too easy to mistake what we have for desire."
"Getting what you want is just as difficult as not getting what you want. Because then you have to figure out what to do with it instead of figuring out what to do without it."
"Today, Daniela, God wants you to know that when you feel alone and your heart is troubled, talk to God." Let the presence of God come to you and envelope you and bring you peace.
"Today, Daniela, God wants you to know that today you should take a vacation from worries."
last friday's dinner: pasta and buffalo wings! (hungry)
cupcaaaaakes (dance)
"I've lost track of where friendship ends and falling begins."