15Friends 6Fans
female The Town of Pineapples, Philippines
The Extrovert | The Doer | The Optimist

*Born leader
*Dynamic and active
*Not easily discouraged
*Independent and self sufficient
*Can run anything
*Sees the whole picture
*Seeks practical solutions
*Stimulates activity
glyz_13 says
15 years ago
graduation is coming up...paper works at large....
glyz_13 says
15 years ago 1
glyz_13 says
15 years ago
ano poh b ang breakfast at Lunch?
glyz_13 says
15 years ago
grr ang init...
glyz_13 says
15 years ago
out nah...habol p ng tulog...jejejeje
glyz_13 says
15 years ago
another set of retreat is on...
glyz_13 says
15 years ago
need to bye n ang kma...jejejeje
glyz_13 says
15 years ago
uwian nah..plurk sandali din fly nah...
glyz_13 says
15 years ago
deplurk...almost tym to go bhack to work...
glyz_13 says
15 years ago
facebook has its bad time now...jejejeje (LOL)