20Friends 3Fans
Fort Collins, CO, United States
Genessia - Minori
7 years ago 3
That moment when you realize how many superheroes your teen could help with that silly 'anti-debuff' spell everyone tends to ignore...
7 years ago
Yay for making headway in Persona 5! Now a pause to actually eat something today, then back to it... XD
7 years ago 7
Home again, home again... ~.~ Oh, hello sake! XP Also, my work is classy AF.
7 years ago
Hm.... Should I clean, or play Aion... The deep questions in life.
7 years ago 17
Huh... Relearning plurk is... (999 unread plurks) View unread, mark as read Welp.
8 years ago 14
I seriously thought I had seen and heard nearly everything I could at work... Retail photo shenanigans ahead!
8 years ago
Ok Valor, you win tonight. I go to take over a half-hp gym with three trainers and BLAMO. Five trainers and a buff. Well played, well played.
8 years ago 1
Stepped off the sidewalk to stop and catch a ponyta on my way home today, and a guy going the other commented that he liked my style. Not sure if he meant not blocking the sidewalk or going into the grass...
8 years ago
Evidently one of those evenings when I start switching between English and French alphabets in my head. Not a big deal but still distracting as I contemplate the last five letters.
8 years ago
Does anyone have any suggestions on muse-list codings? I messed up the last set so badly I figured I'd just start completely over...