15Friends 8Fans
male Philippine, Philippines
ginoafable says
15 years ago 1
please visit the ID Senior's Thesis Exhibit "Flux" in the Old Rizal Library 1st floor from January 18-22!
ginoafable says
15 years ago 3
We lifted 7-foot panels earlier from 4th floor De la Costa for our exhibit. tomorrow pa lang ako magdedcorate. I got a good spot! (dance)
ginoafable is
15 years ago
feeling better, I am almost done with all print ads, hopefully di puno sa freeform mamaya
ginoafable says
15 years ago 3
Not even a 39 degree fever can stop me from finishing my frickin' thesis. I am still designing! ATTAAAAAAAACK! (rock)
ginoafable says
15 years ago
Di ako nakagawa ng thesis!! Sobrang sakit ng ulo ko! 39 ang pagmay ko gayon pa!!! Noooo.
ginoafable says
15 years ago 1
SLEEP is for the WEAK
ginoafable is
15 years ago
in tapa king doing more and more thesis, KAUNTI NA LANG TAPOS NA YUNG HEART NG THESIS KO: WEBSITE! (dance) tapos puro design na lang! (gym)
ginoafable is
15 years ago
studying for Polsci Midterms in Theo class. Pinagsabay ba naman ang Politics and Religion. Wow
15 years ago
Homaigasp!!! I fell asleep without reviewing for polsci midterms!!! :-o